The City of Minneapolis offers twice as many low-cost trees this year for property owners to plant on their private property. About 2,000 Minneapolis property owners will each be able to order a 3- to 8-foot tree for $25 to plant in their yards. This year, Minneapolis property owners who haven’t gotten a tree in the City Trees program in the last three years will get a chance to order a tree earlier.
Owners of property in Minneapolis Green Zones, which includes much of the Northside, can order a tree March 16-22. Owners of rental property in any part of Minneapolis can order a tree March 16-22. Owners of property in any part of Minneapolis who haven’t had a tree from the City Trees program in the last three years can order a tree March 23-April 15. And owners of property in any part of Minneapolis can order a tree April 16-May 1.
Low-cost trees are available first-come, first-served for Minneapolis residents, businesses and nonprofits. Limit one tree per address. Trees must be picked up May 16, 17 or 18 at the City of Minneapolis Impound Lot. Volunteers onsite will help load each new tree and a complimentary bag of mulch into vehicles.
The 22 varieties available this year include large species, flowering trees and several kinds of fruit trees. Comparable trees cost about $125 at a nursery.
In the past 13 years, the City Trees program has provided 15,000 trees for planting on private property. Since 2006, the City of Minneapolis has funded the City Trees program, a low-cost way for folks to help the city’s tree canopy grow.
Healthy trees are an important part of our quality of life in Minneapolis, but they need our help. Share this short video about some of the benefits of our urban forest and how we can help.
There’s a critical need for planting more trees. Trees help filter pollutants out of the air and reduce the heat island effect in a city. They save energy by providing shade in the summer and protecting against wind in the winter. Trees reduce the amount of stormwater runoff into lakes and rivers. They even help reduce stress. Larger trees provide more benefits than smaller trees.
For info visit minneapolismn.gov/sustainability/%20policies/green-zones. To order your tree go to mpls-tree-sale.myshopify.com.