Affordable, low interest mortgages, through the non-profit Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity, are here for Northside residents. And you could qualify for a mortgage to buy your own home.
Habitat mortgages are attractive: Monthly mortgage payments are capped at 30 percent of the buyer’s income; low-interest, 30-year fixed rate mortgage; down payment, closing cost and affordability assistance; and buyers earning $40,000 to $80,000+ have qualified and closed on a home.
Benefits of Habitat for Humanity mortgages: No down payment or mortgage insurance; affordable 30-year mortgage, 3% fixed interest rate for all borrowers; payment set at 30% of your household income; credit score starting at 620+; scores of 580-620 or invisible/no credit acceptable with alternative credit documentation. Plus the program includes homebuyer education courses (required) and one-on-one financial coaching.
You are you eligible for this great deal if: You are a first-time homebuyer; must not have owned a primary residence in the past three years; you live in and want to buy a home in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area; you want to buy a home built or rehabbed by Twin Cities Habitat, or a home you find with a realtor on the open market; you meet the income guidelines listed at home.tchabitat.org/income; and you are committed to be financially ready to buy a home and complete Habitat’s homeownership trainings.
Prospective homebuyers can work with a realtor to find a home on the open market or buy a home built or renovated by Habitat. You are provided guidance through each step of the qualification process. Homeownership education workshops are available. And post-purchase support includes maintenance tips, resources and ways for the homebuyer to connect with their communities.
Habitat has been a partner to more than 1,300 successful homeowners. It’s easy to find out if you qualify. Get started at BuyWithHabitat.org. or tchabitat.org.