The first street name I’ll talk about is Dupont Avenue. Samuel Francis Dupont was an American naval officer born in Bergen Point, New Jersey, September 27, 1803. He was commissioned a midshipman when 12 years old. During the Mexican War he saw much active and gallant service on the California coast. In 1856 he was made a captain, and the following year was placed in command of the steam frigate ”Minnesota,” which conveyed Mr. Reed, the American minister to China. In 1862 he was put in command of the South Atlantic blockading squadron. He was promoted to rear-admiral in August, 1862. He greatly contributed to the organization of the Naval School at Annapolis. He died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on June 23, 1865.
Going on to the next alphabet street which is Emerson Avenue. It was named after Ralph Waldo Emerson who was a philosopher, born in Boston, May 25, 1803. He graduated at Harvard College in 1821, and was ordained minister of the Second Unitarian Church of Boston, but soon after formed peculiar views with regard to forms of worship. He abandoned his profession, retiring to the quiet village of Concord, devoted himself to the study of the nature of man, and his relation to the universe. He was one of the most eminent modern philosophers of the Pantheistic school, and one of the most remarkable personifications of American genius. He died in Concord, Massachusetts on April 27, 1882.