McKinley Community
3300 Lyndale Ave. N., Minneapolis MN 55412
Connect with us online at Facebook @McKinleyCommunity
Get to know the people in your neighborhood. McKinley is your neighborhood association if you are a resident or stakeholder within the bounds of the east side of Dupont Ave. to the Mississippi River, and from Lowry Ave. north to Dowling Ave.
Join McKinley Community for their monthly Board Meeting!
This meeting will take place on Monday, February 17
6:30-8 p.m. at 3300 Lyndale Ave. N.
These meetings are open to the public so we hope to see you there!
Work groups:
Livability Work Group: build network of block connectors to gather neighbors together for improvement and beautification opportunities; determine and implement schedule for volunteer events; host information sessions regarding regulatory services, safety, etc.
Planning Work Group: conduct strategic visioning sessions with community; review current programs; explore new fundraising; strengthen participation in local food network; craft messages that inform and inspire; neighborhood outreach and engagement, etc.
For info visit mckinleycommunitympls@gmail.com!
Please be sure to check out our website mckinleycommunity.org or follow us on Facebook for more information!