Gun Play, A Socially Conscious Comedy, by Tom Reed of 2018 Fringe Festival. Friday and Saturday, December 5 and 6 p.m. at Henry High, 4320 Newton, door #1. Cost $3. Experience the fully refurbished state of the art Henry Theater with modern lighting and sound equipment for this play in collaboration with the Henry music department.
“If you want to laugh at U.S. policies, come to this play, especially if you love high schoolers
with political opinions.” Alicia Renfroe-Lighten, actress
“A comedy that makes many political statements.” Lucian Patterson, actor
“If you want to be enlightened by H.S. students about gun policies. . .” Jalayah Johnson, actress
“A love story that never gives up.” Cassadie Chang, actress
“This is a great cast where everybody works well together.” Jonathan Herr, actor
“Guns, love & divine, come here to have a good time.” Alicia Renfroe-Lighten
Holiday on 44th Friday, December 6, 6-9 p.m., 44th Ave between Morgan and Upton Aves.
The Phamily of Henry High is an integral part of this annual indoor and outdoor community event. Student Link Leaders volunteer to greet participants, assist with marshmallow roasting at
campfires, and help children in constructing gingerbread houses and bird feeders. Stop by Henry’s Asian Cultural Club table in the Henry school gym for some scrumptious egg rolls and bid on baskets of goodies at the silent auction hosted by the Henry Booster Club.