December holds the darkest of days and January has lost its holiday spell, leaving the days long and dreary. With the cold weather upon us, and folks tucking indoors more than walking outdoors, it can often bring melancholiness to our lives. Light has a way of breaking through that darkness. It is a symbol that represents enlightenment, hope and ever present joy. Elements in the world that we cling to when we fight off the weariness of winter.
This year, in an attempt to combat those bleak days, Folwell Neighborhood (FNA) is hosting what could be a new tradition, “Light up the Night.” Through the months of December and January, we are asking all Folwell residents to decorate their homes in lights. We encourage households to decorate in a way that reflects their creativity, their personal connection to light and darkness, or for their love of competition. Three prizes will be given out the first week in January to the top three most creatively decorated homes!
Do you have extra lights that you aren’t using on hand that you could donate to the Light up the Night? The FNA will be collecting lightly used, but still good condition lights, and decorations at Folwell Park through December 7.
Are you in need of lights in order to participate? You can pick up lights at the Edible Winter Tree event on Sunday, December 8, from 3-5 p.m. at the Story Garden (35th and Humboldt). The Edible Winter Tree event is a beautiful community event. Families come out to gather around a bonfire, music, hot cocoa and treats while they decorate a tree in the middle of the garden to feed the birds and small critters through the cold winter months. This event will serve as the kick off for Light up the Night.
Info: info@folwell.org, 612-643-1686, or folwell.org.