Folwell Neighborhood Association
Welcome New Board Members!
Ciara Pettis, Mary Lind, Mariah Alred-Paulson, Devonia Kliche
Upcoming Events:
- Board Meeting: Monday, Dec. 2, 6:30-8 p.m. at Folwell Park—First meeting with newly elected board members.
- Neighborhood Night: Monday, Dec. 16, 5:30-8 p.m. at Folwell Park—Last Neighborhood Night of 2019.
- Edible Winter Tree Event: Sunday, Dec. 8, 3-5 p.m. at the Story Garden (35th and Humboldt)—Bring a treat to share! Bonfire, hot cocoa, music and more!
Light up the Night!
String lights on your house to ward off the darkness! Need lights? Come and pick them up at the Edible Winter Tree event. All residents who participate will be entered to win a prize the first weekend in January!
Find us online: folwell.org • www.facebook.com/groups/folwellminneapolis/
Contact us: info@folwell.org • 612-643-1686
~ Stronger Together ~