The City of Brooklyn Center, in coordination with Hennepin County, nearly completed the reconstruction and streetscape improvements on a 1.4-mile segment of Brooklyn Boulevard between 49th Avenue and Bass Lake Road (County Road 10). According to the Brooklyn Boulevard Reconstruction Project #43 dated November 13, the construction was wrapping up for the winter months. The contractor was still performing work in Stage 3 (see below for description of stages) on the west side of the road and in the center medians within the project area. Mid November, the contractor began installing the new traffic signals on Brooklyn Boulevard at 55th Avenue and Bass Lake Road, and completed the monument signs at Lilac Drive and Xerxes Avenue. The contractor continued to clean up the jobsite and begin shutting down for the winter months.
Construction activity for the third week in November was listed as the following:
·Continue grading and placing topsoil in the boulevard area on the west side of Brooklyn Boulevard from Highway 100 to Bass Lake Road.
·Continue planter wall construction and place topsoil within the center medians.
Construction activity for next week will be the following:
·Install bituminous pavement on Brooklyn Boulevard near 59thAvenue and at the Highway 100, 55th Avenue and Bass Lake Road turn lanes.
·Complete the traffic signal installation at Bass Lake Road.
·Prepare for shifting traffic into the winter lane configurations along Brooklyn Boulevard.
·Continue final clean up and prepare the project site for winter conditions.
The City of Brooklyn Center hired SRF Consulting to help oversee the construction work. For any questions or concerns you have contact the following at SRF Consulting or City of Brooklyn Center Engineering Staff: Dan Herzog, 612-247-6645, dherzog@srfconsulting.com; Jeff Kurth, 612-518-2145, jkurth@srfconsulting.com; Mike Albers, 763-569-3326, malbers@ci.brooklyn-center.mn.us. Contact 911 during evenings and weekends if you have a construction related emergency such as ruptured water service, sewer backup or significant flooding. The 911 dispatcher will contact the appropriate on-call Public Works personnel.
Stage 1 –Reconstruction west side of Brooklyn Blvd between 49th Ave and Hwy 100, Realign Lilac Drive to intersect Brooklyn Blvd at Highway 100 south ramps, Reconstruct 51st Avenue between Brooklyn Blvd and Xerxes Ave. Stage 2 –Reconstruct eastside of Brooklyn Blvd between 49th Ave and just north of Bass Lake Road. Reconstruct Highway 100 northbound off ramp at Brooklyn Blvd. Stage 3 –Reconstruct west side of Brooklyn Blvd between Hwy 100 and just north of Bass Lake Road. Realign Brooklyn Blvd Service Road at 55th Ave.