Historic Robbinsdale UCC church merges with Parkway UCC


This article was written by Gene Montanez


Robbinsdale United Church of Christ (RUCC) is the oldest church in Robbinsdale. The historical marker sits on the wall of Pilgrim Cleaners and marks the original site of the congregation. We held our first worship service in 1889. Over the years we have lived and served the community in many ways, from re-settling refugee families in the 1970s to being a Sanctuary Congregation today. This congregation has offered countless “firsts” in the community. RUCC was the first congregation to declare itself to be a Just Peace Congregation during the anti-nuclear movement of the 1980s and again during the response to 9/11. In 1990 RUCC was the first congregation in the area to offer full inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ folks in ministry and leadership. Our commitment to the community is lived out in many ways, offering space to recovery groups, creating an accessible space, and offering a safe space for many groups and people on the margins, we are living out the call of Christ.

And, we are not done. When Parkway United Church of Christ reached out to us to share ministry and a future together, we listened. Parkway UCC is a merger of four congregations over the years, the earliest was founded in 1848. The congregation has committed to the same values of hospitality and unconditional love, and shares the same passions and commitments of Robbinsdale UCC. After a long process and many gatherings, the congregations are coming together as one.

On September 15 we worshiped for the first time as Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ. We will share all our gifts and talents. We will model for the world that love is the strongest force in the universe and that love comes from God. We will heal. We will comfort. We will forgive. Our Co-Pastors, Rev. T. Michael Rock and Rev. Kathy Itzin are ready to welcome you to this new creative ministry.