Friends of Webber Park Library Book Sale – October 26


Webber Park Library was a busy and active place for youth this past summer.  The Kids Book Club, in its second year, met for 10 Wednesdays over the summer and allowed youth, kindergarten through 7th grade to drop in, read and participate in a variety of activities. The Kids Book Club was funded in part by the Friends of the Webber Park Library (FWPL).

The Friends of the Webber Park Library is our local chapter of the Friends of the Hennepin County Library. Friends groups raise resources for essential programs like Teen Tech Squad and Homework Help. They also support programs like the Kids Book Club that engages readers of all ages and abilities and provides an expanded early learning environment.  The Friends of the Webber Park Library provided funds for the early learning area in our new library.

So how do the Friends of the Webber Park Library provide the support for these initiatives? One way is by conducting two used book sales a year; one in the spring and one in the fall.  At these sales we sell used books, CDs and DVDS that have been retired from the library system or have been donated by patrons and other friends groups.

The next book sale will be held at Webber Park Library on Saturday, October 26, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  You can help support your library in a number of ways. One is to donate used books to the book sale. We will be accepting donations to the book sale beginning on October 19 for the week before the sale at the library during regular library hours.

Now that you have made a little room on your bookshelves you can come to the sale on October 26 and purchase replacements for a very reasonable amount.  All proceeds from the sale will go to support programs at Webber Park Library. And lastly you can support your library by joining our Friends of the Webber Park Library group. You can find out how to do that at or come to the book sale and pick up a brochure so you can join by mail. (Friends get to shop the book sales early, starting at 9:30 a.m.)

We hope to see you at the FWPL fall book sale on October 26 at Webber Park Library.