Henry Herobotics shows off at MURA Field and State Fair


MURA Field at Lincoln School was the place to be in August when the Patrick Henry High Herobotics team showcased their latest and greatest robots and maneuvers for Minneapolis Public Schools (MPRB) Superintendent Ed Graff. MPRB member Kim Caprini also attended and heard about how the Herobotics program has led to multiple award winning seasons and international teams started — four diverse middle school robotics teams were started because of Henry’s Herobotics team mentored by Jack Skogen!

They started, and are a part of, the Minneapolis Urban Robotics Association, which hosts robotics teams from other schools at the MURA field. They have gone on to win more competitions from knowledge and experience at the MURA field.

In August Herobotics went on to present at a MNFirst Regional event, at the Minnesota State Fair. They did multiple demonstrations in the Education Building and their robots were the highlight of the parade.

Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology, robotics competition is the ultimate sport for the mind. High-school student participants call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.”

Herobotics is made up of a diverse group of students that may or may not be “engineers” or “robot enthusiasts.” Although the robotics team was tried in other schools, when it landed at Patrick Henry the support and systems fell into place to help grow the program. It certainly is influencing robotics across the City, State and even the globe! For more info go to FIRSTInspires.org or call Henry High at 612-668-2000.