The City’s 17-member Collaborative Planning Committee started work in late June advising the Upper Harbor redevelopment project team on the next phase of community engagement and a refined Concept Plan for redeveloping the 48-acre site along the Northside riverfront.
The committee is working with City staff, the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the project’s development team on community engagement, refining the first phase of the concept plan and visions for future development. The City is also working with Pillsbury United Communities, who has a McKnight engagement grant, and will partner with the project team to develop engagement tactics and strategies to bring more people into this process.
“Our objective for engagement is to combine the expertise of community, the development team, and City staff to refine the Upper Harbor Concept Plan into an achievable coordinated plan based on economic fundamentals and equitable development outcomes,” said Erik Hansen, the City’s Director of Economic Policy and Development.
Earlier this year, the City Council approved a Concept Plan for redeveloping the 48-acre site along the riverfront in North Minneapolis, home to a former barging terminal. The first phase is expected to include affordable housing, mixed-use development, riverfront parkland and an outdoor music performance venue.
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board has also established a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) that will work concurrently on park-related components of the redevelopment project. The CAC will work with the MPRB on the next phase of Upper Harbor park planning, including coordinating with the City and developer on infrastructure and private developments that will interact with the future park areas on site.
The next CAC meeting is set for Wednesday, July 31 at MPRB headquarters, 2117 West River Road: from 5-6 p.m. is an optional dinner for people to meet each other; and from 6-8 p.m. is the CAC meeting. This meeting will allow people getting to know each other and introduce MPRB and the project. The public and families are invited to participate in both the dinner and meeting.
A more detailed redevelopment plan for the Upper Harbor site is expected to be reviewed by the City Council next spring.
To learn more about the Upper Harbor project and about opportunities to participate in the planning process visit the project website: upperharbormpls.com.
Stay informed! Info: contact Kate Lamers, klamers@minneapolisparks.org or 612-230-6486. Get the latest news and updates on the Upper Harbor site by following the City of Minneapolis on Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor or by signing up for the UHT email subscription list.