Summer Camp Capri students and instructors have created a variety show from the ground up, and you are cordially invited to see the exciting results. Higher Ground will be presented at 7 p.m. Thursday, August 8, and a second show has been added at 7 p.m. Wednesday, August 7. Both performances will be held in the gym at PCYC, 2210 Oliver Avenue North, adjacent to the Capri Theater (which is now closed for construction). The show is free and open to the public.
Higher Ground, set on an imaginary playground in the community, features 22 middle school-age scholars performing theatrical scenes, dances, musical numbers, and storytelling through the art of beatboxing. Each individual student has contributed ideas and talent to the show, and as a group they’ve learned the importance and power of collaboration.
“This is a very different experience from working on and presenting a scripted play, and our students have really risen to the occasion,” said Dennis Spears, who’s co-directing the show with Ricky Thompson. “They’re all integral creators of this piece that you will see, and they’re very excited to show you what they’ve designed!”
Students have also masterfully adjusted to performing the show in a gym instead of at the Capri. “It’s been another creative challenge, and good stretch for the kids. You’ll easily be transported to our playground,” added Spears.
Summer Camp Capri is in its 19th year of operation. The Capri also hosts a monthly, four-hour Camp Capri arts experience for students in grades 5 through 8 during the school year. “Camp Capri is all about helping young people find their inner strengths and talents, their confidence, good friends and fun. We believe these Camp Capri experiences can set them on a good, solid path down the road of life,” said James Scott, Director of the Capri.
The Summer Camp Capri shows usually play to standing-room-only audiences, so please be sure to mark these dates on your calendar, and arrive early!
For info on Summer Camp Capri contact Company Manager Asha Belk, 612-643-2052 or abelk@pcyc-mpls.org.