Summer Camp Capri students play in a new space



With the Capri Theater closed for renovation and expansion, Summer Camp Capri students and teachers will be “working out” in the gym and classrooms at PCYC, adjacent to the temporarily-closed Capri. The PCYC spaces will become a “play” ground as students exercise their minds and stretch to find their artistic abilities in preparation for the performance of a variety show called Higher Heights, premiering at 7 p.m. Thursday, August 9 at PCYC, 2210 Oliver Avenue N. The event is free and open to the public.

Coaching the middle school-age scholars in this creative process are teaching artists Dennis Spears, theater and creative writing; Ricky Thompson, creative writing; Kimberly Keaton, music; Diane Robinson, dance; Chico Perez, drumming; and Carnage the Executioner (aka Terrell Woods), beat boxing. Some super summer fun is also programmed into the Summer Camp Capri curriculum including field trips to the Big Thrill Factory and the Roller Garden, among others.

All Summer Camp Capri activities are designed with creativity and collaboration in mind. Whether it’s dance, music, drumming, writing or speech, all students will be showcased in the performance; they’ll learn how to transform a gym into a theater, and they’ll work together as a team to move all their Camp Capri friends, and their audience, to Higher Heights.

Mark your calendars and plan to attend in support of these young people on August 9.

The roster for Summer Camp Capri is full, but wait list registrations will be accepted through July 3 at  For info contact Summer Camp Capri Company Manager Asha Belk, 612-643-2052.