
Summer Athleadership Program for 10-14 year olds  Sign up today!

Folwell is presenting “Athleadership” program this summer for 10-14 year old budding athletes and leaders. For two hours per week for five weeks this summer, these young people will learn to realize their personal potential, as well as focus their energies and attention on the goals that will give them success both in athletics and life in general. The program teaches many of the techniques used by the award winning athletes from North High School and it will be taught by those athleaders under direction of Jane Barrash, director of the Continuum Center.

It is free to the first 30 young people that apply, call 612-643-1686 or email: for more information.



There is no board meeting in July. The next meeting will be Monday, August 5, 2019

The board decided not to meet in July to allow everyone to focus on individual projects and enjoy the summer. To learn more about the FNA and previous meetings, check out the website at

Join us for lots of summer fun in Folwell

  • Movie Night at the Story Garden – Showing The Wiz: Friday, July 5 starting at dusk, 35th and Humboldt Ave.
  • Neighborhood Block Party: Sunday, July 13 from 1-4 p.m. at the Northside Boxing Club, 33rd and James.
  • Neighborhood Night at Folwell Park: Monday, July 15 from 5:30-8:30 p.m., 1615 Dowling Ave.
  • Movie in the Park: Sunday, July 18 at Folwell Park, starting at dusk.
  • Community Potluck at the Penn Garden: Sunday, July 21 from 1-4 p.m., 36th and Penn. Bring a dish to share and we’ll cook in the garden together!

To learn more about the FNA, check out The FNA calendar on the website includes details for upcoming meetings and happenings in Folwell, as well as the events above.

Find us online: •

Contact us: • 612-643-1686

~ Together We Are Stronger ~