Capri events and programs move to alternate locations during construction


The Capri Theater is now closed, the old theater seats are being removed, and every nook and cranny of the building is being emptied in anticipation of a June construction start on the theater’s renovation and expansion. “It’s been a long time a-comin’,” said Capri Director James Scott. “And we invite everyone to become keen observers of this great project as it progresses toward our goal of a July 2020 opening. By the way, we are not tearing down the classic, old Capri building. We’re renovating it!”

While the theater is closed, Capri programming will continue at alternate Northside locations:

  • First Thursday Films will be screened at North Community High School, 1500 James Avenue N, on the first Thursday of every month beginning in September.
  • SPCO’s Chamber Music Series, and their Xplorchestra and Start the Music programs for children and families will be held at Sanctuary Covenant, 710 West Broadway.
  • Capri Glee!, Capri After School Theater (CAST), Summer Camp Capri, and school-year Camp Capri will be held at PCYC, located right next door to the theater at 2210 Oliver Avenue N.  (A Northside concert venue for Capri Glee! has yet to be determined. Ideas welcome. Contact Janet Zahn,
  • Legends @ the Capri will pop up at locations to be announced.

“We view the year-long venue changes as an opportunity for us to reach further out into the community, and share our programming with people who may not have experienced our programming before,” said James Scott. “It’s an added bonus.”

Info: The best way to keep up-to-date on construction is to join the Capri’s email list via the website,, or text CAPRITHEATER to 22828.