Brooklyn Boulevard construction update


The 17,000 vehicles that travel in an out of Minneapolis using Brooklyn Boulevard/Osseo Road certainly know how difficult it has been to get in and out of Minneapolis these days.

This joint road reconstruction project with Hennepin County, Met Council, Metro Transit and the City of Brooklyn Center is entering Stage 2 (May to July 2019) construction.

According to the City of Brooklyn Center Construction Update No. 22 Brooklyn Boulevard Reconstruction Project dated June 17, 2019, “The contractor is working in Stage 2 (see below for description of Stages) and is working on reconstruction of the eastside of the road within the project area. In June, the contractor installed storm sewer, curb and gutter, sidewalks, driveways and pavement along the eastside of Brooklyn Boulevard between 49th Avenue and Highway 100. They also restored the boulevards on the westside of Brooklyn Boulevard between 49th Avenue and Highway 100. North of Highway 100, the contractor continued the removal of the existing roadway, curb and gutter, and walks, and installation of storm sewer on the east side of Brooklyn Boulevard.”

Construction activity for the end of June continues with installation of the sidewalks, driveways and roadway pavement patches, along the eastside of Brooklyn Boulevard between 49th Avenue and Highway 100. They will begin boulevard preparation for installation of topsoil and sod along the eastside of Brooklyn Boulevard between 49th Avenue and 51st Avenue and continue installation of the irrigation system near the entrance monument at Lilac Drive and Highway 100 ramp, followed by installation of sod, with more continued installation of storm sewer along Brooklyn Boulevard between Highway 100 and 59th Avenue.

For the first week in July, construction activity will focus on the following: Continue installing storm sewer, and prepare road base along Brooklyn Boulevard between Highway 100 and 59th Avenue.

The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association recently contacted Mr. Albers, City of Brooklyn Center, City Engineer, who stated he ” …anticipate(s) that Stage 2 will be completed around the end of July depending on the weather over the next couple of months. The traffic signal replacement at 49th Avenue will be completed in late fall and the overall project is expected to be completed by October 2019.”

Residents looking for more information, can check out the weekly construction posted updates on the City of Brooklyn Center website at

Here’s the outline of the three stages of the Brooklyn Boulevard reconstruction led by the City of Brooklyn Center:

Stage 1 – Reconstruction west side of Brooklyn Blvd between 49th Ave and Hwy 100. Realign Lilac Drive to intersect Brooklyn Blvd at Highway 100 south ramps. Reconstruct 51st Avenue between Brooklyn Blvd and Xerxes Ave.

Stage 2 – Reconstruct eastside of Brooklyn Blvd between 49th Ave and just north of Bass Lake Road. Reconstruct Highway 100 northbound off ramp at Brooklyn Blvd.

Stage 3 – Reconstruct west side of Brooklyn Blvd between Hwy 100 and just north of Bass Lake Road. Realign Brooklyn Blvd Service Road at 55th Ave.

Safety reminders: Please slow down through construction zones for the safety of others, and the workers on site. Avoid using a cellular phone when walking or driving near a construction zone. Please stay clear of machinery and construction trenches in the work zone. Construction vehicles can move quickly and suddenly. Staying alert to your surroundings reduces the likelihood of an incident.

The City of Brooklyn Center hired SRF Consulting to help oversee the construction work. For any questions or concerns you may contact the following at SRF Consulting or City of Brooklyn Center Engineering Staff: Dan Herzog, 612-247-6645,; Jeff Kurth, 612-518-2145,; or Mike Albers, 763-569-3326,

Contact 911 during evenings and weekends if you have a construction related emergency such as ruptured water service, sewer backup or significant flooding. The 911 dispatcher will contact the appropriate on-call Public Works personnel.