As temperatures increase over the next several weeks, the Minneapolis Police Department would like to remind you to take the following precautions as you enjoy the spring season.
* Always keep your home’s doors and windows locked when you go to bed or leave your house, even if you are leaving for a short period of time.
* Secure all lawn and gardening equipment in your garage or a storage shed, and keep your garage doors closed at all times (even when you’re doing work around the house).
* Put all ladders and other tools back into a secure storage area after you use them.
* Be aware of home improvements scams. If you did not solicit the contractor or sales person who shows up at your door unannounced, do not do business with that person.
* Springtime is also the time when door to door solicitors’ presence increases in city neighborhoods; if you are not comfortable answering the door to a stranger don’t.
* Always remember to close your car windows, take any valuables out of your car, and lock your doors every time you exit your vehicle; shut your vehicle off, and make sure you have your keys with you before exiting, even if your vehicle is parked in your driveway.
* Always try to park your vehicle in your garage or driveway and make sure your driveway is well lit; if you must park in the street, try to park directly in front of your house in a well-lit spot on the street.
* Get to know your neighbors! Let a trusted neighbor know if you are planning to travel this spring. Always avoid posting your travel plans on social media.
Neighbors who know each other look out for each other. Enjoy the warmer weather and stay safe.