A note from Police Chief Arradondo on his selection of Kelvin Pulphus as the Inspector of the 4th Precinct
I wanted to share with you that after careful consideration, intentional thoughtful discussion and invaluable feedback and suggestions from community, I have selected Kelvin Pulphus as the Inspector of the 4th Precinct. He will command the 4th Precinct which operations include Patrol Officers, Precinct Investigations, the Community Response Team and Community Crime Prevention Specialists who serve in this diverse and engaged part of the City.
Inspector Pulphus embodies our department’s focus and foundation of Procedural Justice. Procedural Justice focuses on the way the MPD interacts with the public by treating people with dignity and respect, giving citizens ‘voice’ during encounters, being neutral in decision making, and conveying trustworthy motives, and how the characteristics of those interactions shape the public’s views of the MPD, their willingness to obey the law, and actual crime rates. Mounting evidence shows that community perceptions of procedural justice can have a significant impact on public safety. Inspector Pulphus has also been a proven leader in taking the initiative to build relationships and engage the community, has respect for the Northside and the people who live there, has empathy and understanding of the challenges people often face, administrative integrity by applying rules and enforcing established boundaries for behavior by people under his command, and lastly believes in transparency and accountability.
Inspector Pulphus most recently served as a Lieutenant supervising the Procedural Justice Unit, the Community Engagement Team and the Community Navigators. These teams share the common goal and important work of increasing the trust between the MPD and the communities it serves by focusing on the way members of the MPD interact with the public. This is an important priority for any Inspector, but especially for the 4th Precinct Inspector. When officers treat members of the community respectfully, giving them voice and making neutral decisions, they foster the belief that the police department shares the same values and goals as the public, and that the police are legitimate and their motives are trustworthy. Inspector Pulphus’ belief in the priority of community engagement and building community trust carries with him to his new role in the 4th Precinct.
Inspector Pulphus began his career with the MPD in 1992 and has vast experience throughout the department, including working closely with and having empathy for crime victims and their families while he was an investigator in the Child Abuse Unit, Juvenile Unit, Robbery Unit and Homicide Unit.
He brings supervisory experience and accountability with him from previous assignments as a patrol supervisor in the 3rd and 4th Precincts as well as supervising the 1st Precinct Property Crimes Unit, Crimes Against Children Unit and while serving as a shift Lieutenant in the 2nd Precinct.
Inspector Pulphus is originally from Chicago, IL and has earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Management from Minnesota State University, Mankato.