This article was written by Kristel Porter
Grab your antennae and get down to the 4th Annual Bee Run/Walk/Cleanup on Saturday, April 20 from 9 a.m.-noon at Boom Island Park, 724 Sibley St. The Great River Coalition (GRC), which advocates for preserving the environmental significance of the Mississippi River, has been hosting this amazing event for four years and the Cleveland Neighborhood Association (CNA) is proud to be joining them in their efforts this year. Cleveland neighborhood’s Green Committee and Crime and Safety Committee will be at the event.
The 5k Bee Run/Walk/Cleanup is held in the only national park offering scenic views of the Mississippi River! Following the 5K, take part in an organized river cleanup, learn about efforts to protect pollinators, and enjoy plenty of live music, entertainment and Earth Day festivities.
On race day registration opens at 7:30 a.m., the Kids Run starts at 8:30 a.m., the Fun Run/Walk starts at 9 a.m., and the river cleanup starts at 9:30 a.m. (bags and gloves provided). You can also pick up a pre-registration packet at Mill City Running on Friday, April 19, 3-6 p.m. at 411 E Hennepin Ave.
All paid participants ($40 for adults, kids under age 6 free) will receive a long-sleeved tech shirt plus a bee headband, and will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win great prizes such as: Tickets to a regular-season MN Vikings game, flat screen TV or bee gifts! Costumes are also welcomed and encouraged, with prizes for Best Dressed Team (2 or more) and Best Dressed Dog!
CNA’s Crime and Safety Committee has been hosting a Spring Clean Up for years and has also started the Clean City Youth program which educates Northside youth in the importance of separating our trash, cutting down waste, and the ugly truth about littering and how it has a huge negative impact on our river. It only made sense to join forces with GRC this spring. We will be hosting our own Neighborhood Clean Up on April 27 (rain date April 28). We will meet at the Cleveland Neighborhood Farm at 2706 Lowry (by Tootie’s Restaurant) from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Let’s get out there and clean up our city together!
The 5k Bee Run/Walk/Cleanup is hosted by the Great River Coalition in partnership with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board and the National Park Service. Info: greatrivercoalition.com/2019-bee-runwalkcleanup; diane@greatrivercoalition.com or CNA at 588-1155.
Can’t make it to the BeeRun but want to clean up our Camden Community on EarthDay, April 20? Find a detailed list of clean-up sites and more info at minneapolisearthday.com or 612-230-6479.