Councilman Phillipe Cunningham has planned to move at the January 22 meeting of the Economic Development and Regulatory Services Committee that the report to the City Council seeking approval of the Upper Harbor Terminal (UHT) Concept Plan be postponed one meeting cycle.
Assuming the Committee concurred with this motion, approval of the Concept Plan instead will be considered at two upcoming meetings:
City Council Economic Development and Regulatory Services (ED&RS) Committee, Tuesday, February 5 (meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.), Council Chambers, 317 City Hall, 350 Fifth St. S. The agenda for this meeting, including links to the staff report and its attachments, will be posted on Friday, February 1.
If the staff report is approved, it will be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration on Friday, February 15 (meeting begins at 9:30 a.m.), Council Chambers, 317 City Hall, 350 Fifth St. S.
The committee meeting and Council meeting are both open to the public but will not include any opportunities for public input. Those with input to share are advised to contact City Council Members and/or the Mayor via phone, mail or email. The meetings also may be viewed (live during the meeting or via YouTube after the meeting); tune to SD channel 14 or HD channel 799 on Comcast or SD channel 8001 or HD channel 8501 on CenturyLink.
Upper Harbor Terminal Concept Plan and Related Actions
The Upper Harbor Terminal Concept Plan that will be presented to the Minneapolis City Council for consideration is available online for review. The Concept Plan includes:
- Background information on the site, development team and the process to date.
- An overview of the Concept Plan and the anticipated phasing.
- A proposed regional park boundary.
- Information about infrastructure needs, powerline relocation and the proposed historic resources plan.
- Phase 1 infrastructure and park plans, as well as the proposed basic land uses for the Phase 1 development parcels.
- Community benefits and sustainability goals to be further explored in the next phase of planning.
- An initial financing/implementation strategy.
- Next steps, including what aspects of the plan will be open to community input when the Concept Plan is tested, refined and detailed in the next phase of the process.
The staff report to be considered by the committee and Council will recommend several actions:
- Approval of the Concept Plan.
- Amendment to the Exclusive Rights Agreement to, among other things, extend the agreement term to allow more time for community engagement.
- Authorization to contract with Xcel Energy for completion of powerline relocation engineering.
- Addition of a predesign/design bonding request for the outdoor music performance venue to the 2019 legislative agenda.
- Allocation of Development Infrastructure Program funds to Phase 1 infrastructure costs.
- Passage of a resolution establishing a community advisory committee.
Find updated info at ci.minneapolis.mn.us.