Combating alley speeding
If you have concerns about vehicles driving too fast down your alley (the speed limit is 10 mph, as set by Minnesota statute), here are some steps that residents can take to make things a little “calmer” on your block.
Alley speed limit advisory signs
The City of Minneapolis will currently provide, at no charge to residents, up to two alley advisory speed limit signs. They need to be affixed to private property and are only installed upon request. The City website directs residents to call 311 to start the application process.
Alley speed bumps
Although I could find no information on the City website, the alley speed bump program is still on offer to Minneapolis residents. However, as is the case with permanent street speed humps, the process requires a bit of legwork on your part and comes at a price.
According to the information recently provided to me by Public Works Traffic and Parking Division Engineering Technician Supervisor Aaron Johnson, the following are the pertinent points contained in the City’s Criteria for the Installation of Alley Speed Bumps document. It should be noted that Johnson has said that the City is looking at modifying both their speed hump and alley speed bump policies, so the following process and criteria may change.
Citizen support
Resident support must be shown for the installation of speed bumps. The City will consider the installation of speed bumps upon receipt of a petition signed by at least 51 percent of the adjacent property owners/residents. In addition, at least two signers of the petition must volunteer to remove, store and reinstall the speed bumps. The volunteers assuming this responsibility must sign an agreement form indicating that they will take care of the removal and storage.
Cost of speed bumps
The cost of alley speed bumps is $1,500 for a set of three. This cost includes the speed bumps, signs (one at each entrance to the alley) and their installation. It is the responsibility of the affected block to pay the cost.
Placement of the speed bumps
The City and a representative from the block will determine the location where the speed bumps are to be installed in the alley.
The affected block is responsible for the removal, storage and replacement annually. The bumps must be removed and stored before November 1 and reinstalled after April 15. Agreement to this clause must be in writing and signed by a block representative. If the block fails to remove the speed bumps, the City will not be responsible for winter damage, and the residents will need to repurchase the bumps in the following year. It should be noted that once the speed bumps are installed, it is the complete responsibility of the block to maintain these speed bumps.
If you would like further info on the placement of speed bumps, contact Aaron Johnson, Public Works Traffic and Parking Division, at 612-673-2396. Now might be a great time to start building community support, gather signatures and raise funds in readiness for installation later this year.
You may also call 311. Since the operator will be referring the inquiry to another department, they will generate a reference number related to your call and give you a timeline within which you can expect a response. Be sure to make a note of this information and follow up through 311 if the contact is not made within the promised timeframe.