City staff presented a vision on January 22 to the City Council’s Transportation and Public Works Committee for developing the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan. It will identify specific strategies and actions the City and its partners need to take within the next decade to implement the transportation policies of the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which has been sent to the Metropolitan Council for review.
The Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan will guide transportation decisions to ensure alignment with the plan goals: safety, equity, prosperity, climate, mobility and active partnerships. It’s focused on the following topics: advanced mobility, pedestrian, bicycle, transit, freight, street operations and street design.
Public Works will conduct community engagement to gather input and feedback on the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan throughout the year. A draft plan will be released later in 2019 and staff will seek public comment on it. Staff is expected to submit the plan to the City Council for approval in 2020.
Public Works staff will be at the Community Connections Conference on February 2 at the Minneapolis Convention Center to share info about the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan and other department initiatives. Public Works will also award contracts for community engagement services from community-based organizations, artists and other individuals to broaden community input on the plan. Applications are due February 11.
Visit go.minneapolismn.gov to learn more about the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan and upcoming engagement opportunities.