Snow removal reminder

The following is a letter all Minneapolis residences got from Minneapolis Public Works in November but it’s worth repeating:

“As fall turns to winter in Minneapolis, it’s time to get ready for snow. In Minneapolis, we experience approximately 25 snow events each year, ranging from freezing rain to blizzards. We need to work together to keep Minneapolis accessible to everyone in winter and I am writing this letter to ask for your partnership. Many in our community rely heavily on walking to get to work, school, errands, appointments and more. Without your help, sidewalks can become treacherous or even impassable, especially to people who have difficulty moving around. Please shovel your sidewalk.

The City of Minneapolis Ordinance 445.20 outlines that one- or two-family dwellings have 24 hours after the snow stops falling to clear their sidewalks. All other properties must be completed within a 4-hour timeframe. The City continues to get more intentional on enforcing the rules. In addition to relying on complaints reported to 311, this season inspectors will also be out in every neighborhood actively looking for sidewalks that aren’t shoveled. Failure to shovel and maintain your sidewalk could result in a warning letter (called a Notice of Violation) and, if left uncleared, a bill for the City to remove snow from your sidewalk (Chapter 445.35). An average bill is approximately $150. We want to help you avoid this potential fine by sending a friendly reminder now.

We know that some of our residents are physically unable to shovel snow and there are resources available to assist you. Several non-profit organizations are ready to provide for-hire services or provide help when the snow falls. In you need assistance, call 311 to find the best match in your area.

Public Works takes pride in making sure the city functions in any condition. When it snows, hard-working Minneapolis employees clear snow from all streets and alleys as well as the sidewalks on approximately 300 bridges. When it snows more than four inches, crews clear snow at approximately 16,000 corners city-wide. By working together, we can keep Minneapolis accessible to all.”

The following is a link to the City page about snow shoveling. There are also rules about keeping your garbage cans clear or you will have to pay for the City to do it for you: