Fourth Ward Report

Council Member Phillipe Cunningham — Phone: 673-2204
Web page:
Contact Form: 4/contact-ward4



It has truly been an honor to serve as your City Councilmember this past year! It is humbling to be an elected public servant – there is a lot at stake, and a lot to learn. From the start, I knew there was no time to waste. Within the first 30 days in office, we launched open community office hours and our monthly Coffee with CM Cunningham. Within the first 45 days, we held our first Camden Quarterly Convening. Being accessible to and engaged with Ward 4 residents has always been a top priority!

In addition to community engagement and constituent services, I have also been digging into City policies, programs and procedures as a legislator. This has also been a priority to ensure our community receives the same kind of high-quality services on par with the rest of Minneapolis, but tailored to our specific needs.

Here are the legislative wins I brought home for Camden in 2018:

  • An overhaul of the Conduct on Licensed Premises ordinance, which created a more effective, equitable process for accountability and supports for tenants and landlords of rental properties flagged as having chronic criminal and disruptive behaviors.
  • An ordinance creating a permanent Office of Violence Prevention in the Health Department to ensure the City continues to invest in evidence- and community-based public safety strategies to address violence in the community including domestic violence, childhood trauma and healing, and community trauma and healing.
  • The Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan, which included all 14 of my amendments focused on the Northside, youth development and eliminating racial disparities.
  • An ordinance authorizing the MFD to begin its Mobile Integrated Healthcare pilot program with an overall focus on increasing access to affordable healthcare and reducing costs to the City.

I also fought hard this year to make sure the Camden community was well-served by the 2019 City budget.

Here are some of the 2019 City budget wins for our community:

  • Shotspotters north of the railroad tracks.
  • Expand MPD’s mental health co-responder program to the 4th Precinct.
  • A Violence Prevention Fund to fund community strategies that prevent and/or intervene violence, improve enforcement in partnership with MPD and beyond policing, and support Northsiders re-entering our community after incarceration to lower recidivism.
  • A domestic violence outreach program that pairs a family therapist with an MPD officer to meet with households that call 911 for domestic violence, but do not make an official police report. This connects families to the supports they need.
  • Funding to stabilize students and their families who are homeless or highly mobile in eight Northside schools.
  • Funding to stabilize our single-family housing stock through several City programs that promote homeownership.

There is a lot more to talk about like what’s ahead for 2019, but not enough room!

Be sure to join us at our first State of the 4th Ward Address! Event details will be made available at!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to serve as your City Councilmember.


CM Phillipe Cunningham, Ward 4