Call-to-action! Safety at 44th & Penn

This article was written by the Victory Neighborhood Association

Tori 44 was crashed into again on December 15. This is their fourth crash since they opened in April, and at least the ninth crash into a commercial building on 44th and Penn since the intersection was reconstructed in 2014.

44th and Penn is located at the intersection of County Roads 2 (Penn Avenue North) and 152 (Osseo Road/44th Avenue North). The Victory Neighborhood Association (ViNA) and the node’s business owners consistently express concerns about safety at the intersection to Hennepin County leadership, but at this point, emergency action from the county is needed to immediately improve safety in the corridor. Fortunately, the accidents have not resulted in serious injuries or fatalities, but time and chance are no longer in the community’s favor.

The Victory Neighborhood Association submitted a letter to Hennepin County requesting the following demands be addressed before the end of the 2018 budget year:

  • Reimburse the Tori 44 business owner and building owner for the expenses they incur because of the most recent crash.
  • Immediately install the previously discussed granite benches to serve as a barrier for the buildings on the node. At least five benches are to be installed around the Tori 44 building on the southwest corner and at least two are to be installed in front of the Parson’s Dental building on the north side of the intersection.
  • Immediately install a flashing light on Osseo Road northwest of 44th & Penn alerting drivers to the controlled intersection ahead.
  • Immediately install permanent radar signs along the corridor informing drivers of their actual speed and the posted speed limit.
  • Collaboration between the Hennepin County Sherriff’s Office and the Minneapolis Police Department to implement traffic enforcement efforts in the corridor.
  • Move up the Osseo Road reconstruction project from 2024 to 2020 and prioritize engineering enhancements that permanently calm traffic and incorporate barriers that reduce the likelihood of vehicles leaving the roadway.

Neighbors and visitors to 44th and Penn are urged to contact their county commissioner and ask them to immediately move forward with emergency action that results in long-term safety at the intersection. Email or call your county commissioner and ask them to meet the above demands. Visit for more info.