Support for Blong


I am writing regarding the Hennepin County District 2 Commissioner Race. I am certain both candidates care about Hennepin County, especially District 2, however I feel Blong Yang has some great and achievable plans for Hennepin County. He has been an elected official and held office as a Minneapolis City Councilmember and knows what the responsibility entails and how to achieve his goals on a feasible budget.

He is a great example of the American Dream being that as a toddler he came to the United States and his family utilized county services. Blong then went on to get his bachelors from UCLA and his law degree here in Minnesota. I strongly feel that with Blong’s career as a lawyer and as a City Councilmember he is immensely qualified and will make an excellent County Commissioner.

Patti Pieske, Webber-Camden