Register now for Capri Glee! Adult Community Choir

Registration is on now for the Capri Glee! Adult Community Choir under the direction of J.D. Steele. Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m., September 25 through October 30 at the Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway. Anyone age 18 or older is welcome to experience the joy of singing in this choir, and there is no fee to participate, though contributions to the Capri will be accepted.

What will you experience when you join Capri Glee! ?

  • People of all ages and ethnicities, from all walks of life, and with a variety of musical experience (from none to much) making great music and good friends.
  • J.D. Steele directing with such great skill and passion and a marvelous sense of humor that inspires each singer to bring their best to the choir.
  • Fred Steele on piano, working with the basses, helping us all with parts, and playing and singing with abundant heart and soul.
  • Lots of smiling, laughing, learning.
  • People making announcements about exciting concerts, events and happenings in the neighborhood.
  • Invitations issued to all to gather for fun and good conversation after rehearsals – coordinated by the choir’s enthusiastic Directors of Shenanigans.
  • And more.

The session culminates in a rousing, uplifting concert at the Capri that often includes the MacPhail Community Youth Choir and the Mill City Singers, organizations that are also under the direction of J.D. Steele.

Join us! For info and to register: or 612-643-2058.