Public comment period opens for park plans
After 18 months of community-based planning and design, a draft version of the North Service Area Master Plan (NSAMP) is ready for public review and comment. The public comment period runs through October 27, 2018.
About the North Service Area Master Plan
NSAMP will create new, long-term plans for more than 30 North Minneapolis neighborhood parks and regional trails north of I-394 and west of the Mississippi River, guiding capital improvements over the next 20 to 30 years at these locations. NSAMP reflects community desires for how parks are operated, maintained and improved, and includes plans for all exterior facilities (athletic fields, playgrounds, trails, etc.), but not buildings or recreation centers.
How to give your feedback
Review park plans on the NSAMP project page at minneapolisparks.org/park_care__improvements/park_projects/current_projects/north_service_area_master_plan/:
* Click on ‘Draft Documents,’ right-hand side, park plans are organized alphabetically; or
* Review printed copies at Northside recreation centers (Creekview, Farview, Folwell, Harrison, North Commons and Webber); or
* Review printed copies at MPRB headquarters located at 2117 West River Road N.
Then take the online survey:
* Scroll down on the NSAMP project page, left-hand side, click on ‘Comment on the Draft NSAMP Document’; or
* Fill out a survey at the Northside recreation centers listed above or at MPRB headquarters.
Next steps
Following the public comment period, MPRB will compile all comments, modify the Plan and present the revised version to the Board of Commissioners for possible adoption. A public hearing will take place at that time.
To subscribe to NSAMP email updates, sign up at public.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNPARKREC/subscriber/new?topic_id=MNPARKREC_437.
Questions? Contact Adam Regn Arvidson, MPRB, at 612-230-6470 or aarvidson@minneapolisparks.org.