First Thursdays Films @ the Capri, The Saint Paul Chamber Orchestra’s Chamber Music Series @ the Capri, and other Capri programming will be presented at the Capri Theater for the 2018-19 season instead of at alternate locations as previously announced. The Capri will be available for rent through spring 2019 as well and plans for a couple of special Legends concerts this season are in the works.
Audiences will be welcomed back to the Capri this year due to a slight delay in the construction schedule for the renovation and expansion of the theater. “Our goal has always been to build the best theater for our community, and to ensure that the agency is in the strongest financial position to do so,” said Anne Long, Executive Director of Plymouth Christian Youth Center (PCYC), which owns and operates the Capri. “With that goal in mind we are taking just a few more months to raise additional funds and get our optimal financing package in place, focused firmly on the 2020 opening of a beautifully renovated and expanded Capri Theater in the heart of North Minneapolis.”
All processes, including city approvals, permits and construction plans are in the final stages of completion and Capri and PCYC staff anticipate that all systems will be in place for a late winter 2019 construction start.
More info about Capri programming, the expansion and renovation, the Capri Capital Campaign and PCYC is available at thecapritheater.org.
Questions about the new groundbreaking and construction timeline may be directed to Anne Long, along@pcyc-mpls.org, or Capri Director James Scott, jscott@pcyc-mpls.org.