Camden Farmers Market closes off the season on October 11


The Camden Farmers Market had a very successful market this year at their new location at North Market located at 4414 Humboldt. They were able to expand the market this year and grow it to a bigger level. They did numerous events this summer for the community with partnerships Hennepin County Library, Pillsbury United Communities and H White Men’s Room. They did a back to school event for the kids and gave away backpacks and school supplies. They also had two ‘knife-off’ cook-offs this summer. They are finishing out the season with their third knife-off on Thursday, September 27 at 5 p.m. at the market which entails two chefs who use local vegetables, fruit and protein to create dishes for the community to try. They’re very happy with the accomplishment of the season and look forward to Camden Farmers Market 2019.