The City of Minneapolis offers qualifying residents access to free energy efficiency home visits and 0 percent financing on recommended energy-saving upgrades while funding lasts. Home Energy Squad visits bring energy efficiency experts to participants’ homes to install energy-saving materials and make recommendations on energy-saving upgrades such as wall and attic insulation. Thousands of households already benefit from the Home Energy Squad program, saving hundreds of dollars every year and enjoying a more comfortable house during hot summer days and cold winter nights.
At the home visit, a team of energy experts will evaluate energy-saving opportunities and install free materials to help property owners and renters start saving on the spot. They will install energy-saving materials such as door weatherstripping, a water heater blanket, LED bulbs, a programmable thermostat, and high-efficiency showerheads and faucet aerators. They also test homes for air leaks, inspect attic and wall insulation using an infrared camera, and safety-check heating systems and water heaters.
They may recommend energy upgrades such as insulation and/or air sealing based on the test results. For any recommended upgrades, participants will receive a personalized quote and an opportunity to schedule the work with a qualified contractor. Qualifying Minneapolis participants can get 0 percent financing on those upgrades through the end of the year or while funding lasts.
The City of Minneapolis offers free Home Energy Squad visits and 0 percent financing to qualified households with a family income less than $94,300. Homeowners and renters can call 651-328-6220 or visit mncee.org/hes-mpls to schedule a visit. To learn more about 0 percent financing and how to apply, call 612-335-5884 or visit mnlendingcenter.org/mpls.