Loring Community, I have some very exciting things to share about our award winning school. Over the next few months and years Loring School will be having a major upgrade to the facilities and grounds. The finished product will include a new safe and secure entrance, air conditioning throughout the building and a new lunchroom remodel where we will have on-site cooking for our scholars! Here is what you can expect and a tentative timeline for completion of the work:
- August 2018 – There will be a construction fence going up around the back of the building by the playground and basketball courts. Some of the concrete around the warming room will be removed as well as the large maple tree.
- January 2019 – Duct and ventilation work will begin in the building. Very little disruption to students and programming will occur.
- February/March/April 2019 – The current warming room will be removed and construction of a new entrance and office will begin.
- May/June – August 2019 – Air conditioning and the new safe and secure office upgrade should be completed before students arrive for the 2019/2020 school year.
- June/July/August 2020 – Completion of the lunchroom should be done prior to students returning in the fall of 2020.
We’ll have updates on the progress of the construction on our Loring website. Visit us at loring.mps.k12.mn.us.
We are ALL here, ALL the time, for ALL children!
This article was written by Ryan Gibbs, Principal, Loring Community School