So far the summer of 2018 has been very productive! We are especially excited about our final concert of the 2018 Live on the Drive concert series.
Pavielle French will be performing on Thursday, August 9 (with a rain date of Thursday, August 16) from 6-8 p.m. The movie at dusk will be A Wrinkle in Time. If you are interested in following us on Social Media, you can find us on Facebook and Instagram.
It’s not too late to support this amazing Northside tradition. Please check out liveonthedrive.org or mail your monetary support to Cleveland Neighborhood Association.
We would like to send out our sincerest apologies for Live on the Drive rain cancellations and feel that it would be best to explain our cancellation policy with the community. The contract, that must be signed with the band by February, includes that any cancellations due to weather must be made public by 2 p.m., on the day of the concert. If there is a 40 percent chance or less of rain we will continue to set up. On June 12 this was the case. Once we set up, MPRB cancelled at 5:30 p.m. as the black clouds approached and shortly after it down-poured!
Clean City Youth
Cleveland Neighborhood Association started the Clean City Youth Project, which was funded by Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (MWMO). They participate in weekly cleanups, where they intentionally clean out storm water drains, and attend one weekly field trip. So far they went on a 13 mile bike ride along the river, and stenciled storm water drains with Friends of the Mississippi. Next they will be getting a tour of the MWMO and Eureka Recycling facilities! If you are interested in seeing their work, there will be a short film documentary showcased before a Movie in the Park at Cleveland Park on Sunday, August 5 (provided by MPRB), the movie will be Step.