As reported numerous times in the Camden News, the North Service Area Master Plan (NSAMP) will create new, long-term plans for all Minneapolis neighborhood parks north of I-394 and west of the Mississippi River. NSAMP will consider how parks are operated, maintained, and improved. It will include plans for all exterior facilities — athletic fields, playgrounds, trails, etc. — but not buildings or recreation centers.
The process continues for shaping the future of every Northside neighborhood park. The Minneapolis Park and Rec Board held a few more public meetings in June to discuss “preferred concepts” for each Northside park. These concepts were created and refined by the project’s design team, based on a range of community feedback gathered since summer 2017.
Didn’t make it to the June meetings? Go online to review all the design concepts, take the survey and share your thoughts: minneapolisparks.org/park_care__improvements/park_projects/current_projects/north_service_area_master_plan.