We pulled off another amazing Live on the Drive event! On June 14, we kicked off the 11th Live on the Drive concert series with a performance from Nooky Jones! We had new food trucks including Hibachi Daruma and Habanero Tacos. June’s concert brought out a record 1900 attendees and the largest turnout for the movie, yet!
AstralBlak will be performing on Thursday, July 12 (with a rain date of July 19). The movie at dusk will be Wonder Woman. If you are interested in following us on social media check out: Liveonthedrive.org; Facebook, Live on the Drive; or instagram LiveOnTheDrive. It’s not too late to support this amazing Northside tradition. Please check out the website or mail your monetary support to Cleveland Neighborhood Association.
Our Step Up Interns just started working on June 18. They will be engaging Cleveland, Folwell and Jordan neighborhoods on organics recycling, watering the Cleveland Community Garden, working with children in Cleveland Park, setting up and taking down Live On The Drive, and cleaning our streets and storm water drains along Penn Ave! They are a huge help to our community so say hello when you see them!