It was just a nut of an idea four years ago, but this year bus after bus arrived to Olson Middle School for the STEAM Expo on May 5. About 280 youth and adults filled the gym, classroom and parking lot, and traveled from one demonstration station to the next to participate in all of the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Music) activities. STEAM has clearly grown into a much anticipated and successful event.
Students built things that moved, created circuits, and learned about computers, robots, bikes and bike safety. Colin Kilbane shared his science magic that had curious students lined up to participate in his STEAM demonstrations. The featured Bakken Science Museum’s “The I in Sport” science show capped off the day’s event. Students learned about how the heart system works in their everyday lives.
The event was hosted by the Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association and we thank our partners for this year’s tremendous success: The Bakken Science Museum, Colin Kilbane for their terrific science shows that wowed participants; Owens Corning for their donated pizza, prizes and demonstration table; SCNA volunteers Julie and Jared Voight, and Angie and Angel that helped with registration; Patrick Henry Herobotics team for helping energize minds by demonstrating their robots; Minneapolis Public Schools and afterschool programming Melinda Stapley and her crew; and the GISE/GEMS from Patrick Henry High School, Olson Middle School, and Cityview, Davis, Pillsbury, Jenny Lind, Anderson, Loring, Folwell and Waite Park Elementary Schools.