Upcoming Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association
Events, Meetings and Activity Calendar!
Shingle Creek Common Ground Garden seeks Gardeners!
Applications are now being taken for gardeners interested in gardening at the Shingle Creek Common Ground Garden at 52nd and Newton Aves N! It is a demonstration raingarden and natural wooded garden with 12 raised bed garden plots for flowers or vegetables! Plots are $15 to help cover the cost of water and supplies.
Contact SCNA today at mpls.scna@gmail.com or 612-597-9464!
SCNA Create a Community Center Committee
Great conversations about great things going on in the neighborhood and community. Light refreshments! Only thing missing is you! Whether it’s programs or physical improvements, this committee is meeting once a month on the third Wednesday of the month from 6-7:30 p.m. at Creekview Park to discuss the ongoing progress of the MPRB Master planning efforts, Shingle Creek and Creekview Park improvements!
Pickleball is available at Creekview Park!
Working with Creekview Park, we are pleased to announce that Creekview Park now has open space available for indoor Pickleball! It runs June 20-August 22 on Wednesdays from 5-8 p.m. for a small fee of $2/pr person. Bring your own paddles or equipment provided. Want to learn how to play? Contact SCNA or Creekview Park to learn more about how to get started.
Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association
PO Box 15656, Minneapolis, MN 55415
Website: shinglecreekmpls.org
Email: mpls.scna@gmail.com; Amy Luesebrink, staff, 612-597-9464
The SCNA Board Meeting will be:
Tuesday, June 12 at Creekview Park 6:30-8 p.m.
5001 Humboldt Ave N
*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.
All reasonable special requests and accommodations (interpreter, ASL, etc.) will be provided, please contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.