Anytime bags of trash can be collected from Shingle Creek’s banks to keep it from going down stream into the Mississippi River is a good thing. About 50 neighborhood volunteers attended the Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association (SCNA) May 12 Shingle Creek Earth Day Clean-up.
After cleaning up the Creek volunteers participants discovered the snakes and skins that Emily from Carl Kroening Interpretive Center brought, to showcase some of what the center has to offer. Owens Corning helped make the event special again this year by providing pizza, water and prizes.
Our Pickleball demonstrators Patty, Marty and Jan whacked the small wiffle-type ball with brave participants who wanted to learn about this up and coming sport. It’s a new activity being offered by Creekview Park on Wednesdays from 5-8 p.m. from June 20-August 22. (Contact Creekview Park for full details.)
Thanks to all our the earth and community caring volunteers who helped pick up and fill bags filled with trash, recycling, two strollers, a lawn mower and more out of Shingle Creek. Many thanks to the Owens Corning and its employees, Emily and Carl Kroening, Patrick Henry’s Herobotics team who brought out seven youth, KIPP Northstar, community volunteers, SCNA volunteers, Larry Bontreger for organizing the day, and Creekview Park Director Mike Fox for partnering with us on this event. It was a beautiful day all around. We’re already looking forward to next year!