Fourth Ward Report from Phillipe Cunningham

What’s the Big Deal with Neighborhood Associations? (Hint: Untapped Community Power!)

Neighborhood associations are a built-in way for community members to actively build relationships with one another and participate in improving the quality of life in the neighborhood for everyone. They are nonprofit organizations funded by the City of Minneapolis currently through Neighborhood Revitalization Program money. This funding goes to programs, projects, and initiatives decided by the neighborhood association board.

We have one of the most diverse Wards in the entire City, which is exciting and also a challenge to make sure everyone’s voice is equally heard. Each neighborhood in the Camden Community is unique and diverse from culture to renters and homeowners, so it can be a challenge to make sure all are represented. As a Councilmember, I am very proud to share every neighborhood association in the Camden Community is working hard to build neighborhood boards that reflect our community’s unique diversity.

With voices at the table from all walks of life, neighborhood associations bring the community together to empower residents to have a voice in what happens in their neighborhoods and work together toward a unified vision of a cleaner, safer and healthier neighborhood. They are also a great way to break down walls between neighbors to build relationships and community together.

As an elected official, I am a champion for neighborhood associations because they are a great way for me to stay connected to each distinct neighborhood of the 4th Ward and the specific issues that they face. I partner with our associations to build a strong community vision that we can implement at all levels. It’s a great place for us to connect and talk about what’s really going on in the neighborhood. No one can do this work alone. We, Northsiders, are all in this together.

You can find a directory of services to neighborhoods at the City of Minneapolis webpage: Most of the Ward 4 neighborhoods have Facebook pages. You can also find specific details about each neighborhood association to include meeting dates and leadership information here:

Consider joining your neighborhood association, if you aren’t already involved! [Check pages 8 and 9 in this Camden News] Your voice is valuable in shaping our community fabric and creating a place where everyone feels welcomed, safe, and valued.

Join me for open community office hours every Tuesday from 4-7 p.m. at Corner Coffee Camden (4155 Thomas Ave. N) and every Thursday noon-3 p.m. at Serendripty Spot (3300 Lyndale)! Our next Coffee with CM Cunningham will be May 5. Check out our FB @CMCunninghamWard4 for upcoming details. If you are unable to make it to any of the events and want to connect directly, reach out to me at