Penn Avenue improvements begin

After years of planning, public meetings and input from Northsiders, construction on Penn Avenue and the new Mero Transit C Line is beginning. Hennepin County, Metro Transit and the City of Minneapolis held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Penn Avenue Improvements Project on March 20 and a community construction kick-off event on March 22. Work is set to begin in the coming weeks and should be completed next year.

The Penn Avenue Improvements Project is a collaborative effort that includes the construction of the new Metro Transit C Line rapid bus project and the coordinated reconstruction of a segment of Penn Avenue (County Road 2) with other roadway improvements.

The two major components:

C Line rapid bus — Improved transit service that includes a package of transit enhancements that adds up to a faster trip and improved experience: Faster, more frequent service; pre-boarding fare payment for faster stops; neighborhood-scale stations with amenities; enhanced security; and larger, specialized vehicles.

Road reconstruction — Full reconstruction of a seven block segment of Penn Avenue between West Broadway and Lowry Avenue North. Improvements include: Safety enhancements for all road users; greening and landscaping; traffic-calming; new sidewalks and improved lighting.

Established in 2012, the Penn Avenue Community Works program is dedicated to stimulating economic development, beautification, livability and job creation along the Penn Avenue corridor in North Minneapolis. It is also designed to support other neighborhood investments, including the Hennepin County Human Services Hub, the Bottineau and Southwest light rail transit (LRT) lines, and enhanced bus rapid transit (BRT) service for the benefit of Penn Avenue corridor neighborhoods. The program area encompasses the corridor between the planned Southwest LRT station near I-394 and Osseo Road and 49th Avenue North.

One of the most important needs Penn Avenue community residents identified through the Penn Avenue Community Works program was improved transportation services and infrastructure. In response, Hennepin County collaborated with Metro Transit and the City of Minneapolis to make meaningful infrastructure improvements and enhance transportation and transit service and safety throughout the Penn Avenue corridor and Olson Memorial Highway into downtown Minneapolis.

For info on the C Line work visit For info on the Penn Ave project visit

Note: Route 19 bus schedule will change due to upcoming construction. Customers are encouraged to check for new schedule information and to subscribe to Rider Alerts for Route 19 to stay up to date.