Weigh in on the first design concepts for Northside parks

Northside community members have contributed an amazing range of ideas and input on local neighborhood parks over the past eight months. Staff from the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) have been using this information and working with a design team to develop initial concepts for every Minneapolis neighborhood park north of I-394 and west of the Mississippi River. This process is a key part of creating an overall long-term plan known as the North Service Area Master Plan (NSAMP).

The next step is asking people to view and comment on the park design concepts at a series of public workshops. Each concept includes options and locations for a range of amenities and activities; most parks have multiple concepts.

Everyone is invited: bring family, friends, neighbors and others! Each workshop includes kids’ activities and refreshments. Four workshops give people a choice of dates and locations. Each has the same format and park design concepts.

  • Monday, February 26, 6-8 p.m., Creekview Recreation Center, 5001 Humboldt Ave. N.
  • Wednesday, February 28, 6-8 p.m., North Commons Recreation Center, 1801 James Ave. N.
  • Tuesday, March 6, 6-8 p.m., Folwell Recreation Center, 1615 North Dowling Ave.
  • Thursday, March 8, 6-8 p.m., Harrison Recreation Center, 503 North Irving Ave.

The North Service Area Master Plan will create new, long-term plans for all Minneapolis neighborhood parks north of I-394 and west of the Mississippi River. NSAMP will consider how parks are operated, maintained, and improved. It will include plans for all exterior facilities — athletic fields, playgrounds, trails, etc. — but not buildings or recreation centers. For more info visit the project web page at minneapol;isparks.org. Or contact Adam Regn Arvidson, Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board; 612-230-6470 or aarvidson@minneapolisparks.org.