Capri After School Theater (CAST) students proudly present three one-act plays, Moving/Still by Lindsay Price and Love Poem #98 by Regina Taylor, at 7 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, March 22 and 23 at the Capri Theater, 2027 West Broadway. The event is free and open to the public.
“This is the second production of the year for this up-and-coming group of theater artists,” said Kevin West, CAST Artistic Director. “I’ve seen major growth in the kids’ confidence as they’ve approached these one-act plays. This form also gives me the opportunity to work more one-on-one with the students, and in smaller groups, and the kids are able to be more involved in all aspects of the development of the plays.”
Moving is described as “A rapid-fire, character-driven comedy with a heart.” Still is a “bittersweet love story with a twist” featuring a young man who doesn’t want to grow up, and his girlfriend who already has. Playwright Regina Taylor’s Love Poem #98 is an abstract, 1950s film noir-style one-act featuring three indelibly intertwined, mysterious characters.
This is the 11th year for the CAST program at the Capri. “I invite everyone to come out and support these young people and the Capri – a safe place where they can be who they are, in the fullness of everything about them,” said West.
The CAST program is free and open to all students currently enrolled in high school. To enroll, or for more info on CAST, contact Kevin West at 612-643-2039 or kwest@pcyc-mpls.org.