Shingle Creek

Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association

PO Box 15656, Minneapolis, MN 55415


Email:; Amy Luesebrink, staff, 612-597-9464


The SCNA Neighborhood and Board Meeting will be:

Tuesday, January 9, at Creekview Park 6:30-8 p.m.

5001 Humboldt Ave N


*All meetings are open to the public *All residents are encouraged to attend.

Any requests for special accommodations are welcome.

Contact SCNA staff seven days prior to meeting.


Tuesday, January 9 Neighborhood and Board Meeting 6:30-8 p.m.

The Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association offers various neighborhood meetings to invite guest speakers in to learn more about specific topics.


January Guest Speaker:

MPRB Commissioner elect Kale Severson

Northside Master Plan for Parks update


The SCNA Board Meeting will follow this neighborhood meeting.

Please feel free to join us! Light refreshments will be served.


Do you have a topic or question you’d like to know more about?

Contact us! We want to hear from you!


Visioning for Northside Parks Master Planning Continues

Are the Northside Minneapolis Parks everything you hoped they’d be?

Do you wish they had something else for yourself or your family?

Check out our website for more details on what the Shingle Creek residents are saying about the Shingle Creek Parks Corridor, leave comments and find out more about upcoming Charettes hosted at Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board headquarters the week of January 9.


SCNA seeking two Board Members and Committee Members

Shingle Creek Neighborhood Association is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that is operated by the volunteer residents of Shingle Creek neighborhood. We currently have openings both on our SCNA Board and several committees! If you’re interested in serving as a Board Member by meeting one to two times a month for a couple hours monthly, serving on a committee and helping at our events that would be great! Volunteer board terms are two years positions.

Committee members: volunteers do not have to be board members but can be to serve on an SCNA committee: (Creating Community Center, Youth, Events, Seniors, Gardens and others) contact us to learn more about getting involved!