Help youth with homework and building graduation skills


After years of waiting the new Webber Park Library, at 4440 Humboldt, will be hosting a Homework Help program on Tuesday evenings beginning February 13. Now the task is to find great volunteers to make this program a success.

Volunteers will work with youth after school on literacy and homework related projects: reading, math, history, language arts and more. Volunteers must have some experience with school age children and commit to working once a week at Webber Library for a semester. Hours are Tuesday afternoons and evenings, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. Training is provided. A criminal background check is required.

Interested parties may begin the process by filling out a volunteer application online, then they will be contacted by the library’s volunteer coordinator. The application link is Or call the Library at 612-543-6750 or stop in at 4440 Humboldt Avenue North to speak with the library staff. Find general volunteer info at