Fed up with crime


Many of you are likely aware of the rise in criminal activity in our beloved Victory neighborhood. Over the years I’ve heard of the occasional home burglary, the theft of an item from a garage or backyard, or that someone’s car was broken into. Yes, some of this exists everywhere. However, the amount of online chatter in our neighborhood about an escalation in crime is deeply concerning. Every week now I’m hearing about more and more of this activity, even muggings at gunpoint! I am the victim of a recent burglary which has caused me to be on high alert about protecting myself, and my property, more than ever. I’m disgusted and mad as hell that with all the wrong that’s happening in our world right now I can’t even take refuge in my home anymore, a home that I worked incredibly hard for.

So, if you’ve been the victim of a crime or if you’re just wondering when crime might happen to you, what are you willing to do to take back your neighborhood and keep it safe for everyone? What will you do to make our community unattractive to thugs and thieves? Will you leave your outdoor lights on all night? Will you lock up your car in your garage and keep it off the street? Will you take a look at how your landscaping may provide a hiding spot for a criminal? Will you get to know your neighbors and really look out for one another? Will you contact your City Council Member and demand to know what they’re going to do to help? Will you call 911 when you see someone walking down the alley late at night or when you see anything suspicious? What will you do? Tell me. Tell this community. To the Camden News, I ask you what you will do.

Jennifer Hipple,
