City leaders and project partners marked the completion of the new St. Anthony Parkway Bridge in Northeast Minneapolis on October 27 with a grand opening celebration. The bridge is now open to all traffic; pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles may all safely cross.
The new three-span bridge over the BNSF Northtown rail yard replaces a five-span bridge built in 1925. It’s part of the Grand Rounds National Scenic Byway. Reconstruction of the bridge was a significant engineering undertaking and the result of cooperation among many partners. The community also had a large role in shaping the project. The design pays tribute to the 1925 bridge and features a historic interpretive plaza. The bridge also has updated amenities for pedestrians and bicyclists.
“The Lowry, Camden, Plymouth and now the St. Anthony Parkway Bridges have all been replaced or rehabilitated,” said City Council President Barb Johnson. “We have great connections between the wonderful communities of North and Northeast Minneapolis.”
The $31.6 million project was funded with contributions from the City, federal government, State of Minnesota and the BNSF Railroad.
Some additional work, including completion of the historic plaza on the west side of the bridge and replacing rail crossings on California Street, will continue into the end of the year. Final landscaping and minor last touches will take place in the spring.