Joining local and national efforts to help dwindling populations of butterflies, bees and other pollinators, SCNA and many volunteers working with Paul Chellsen and the City’s Surface Waters and Sewers Department helped increase the pollinator habitat around the Shingle Creek Regional Ponds at 52nd and Upton Avenues in October. 11,000 plants were planted along the shorelines of these recently renovated regional holding ponds off the Shingle Creek.
Pollinators require two essential components in their habitat; somewhere to nest and flowers to gather nectar and pollen. Native plants are undoubtedly the best source of food for pollinators, because plants and their pollinators have co-evolved. Many varieties of garden plants are also good for these important insects.
After browsing interpretive displays and resources, and hearing brief introductions, participants learned about the function of the stormwater ponds, pollinator friendly plantings, things that they can do in their own yards to make a difference, and how to plant the ‘plugs.’ We’re grateful to the many residents and City for helping create a foraging habitat that not only helps the bees and butterflies that pollinate these plants, but also beautify our neighborhood.
For history about the Shingle Creek ponds go to shinglecreekmpls.org. For questions about the pond renovation efforts contact Paul Chellsen, Supervising Stormwater Technician, City of Minneapolis Department of Public Works, Surface Waters and Sewers at 612-673-2406 or 612-597-9809, or paul.chellsen@ci.minneapolis.mn.us.