The Story Garden enjoyed the dedicated work hours of Step Up students from North High this summer. It allowed for quite a few projects to get done and the weeds never got out of control! It was glorious. With so much of the garden work getting done, I found myself focusing the groundwork of what it looks like to organize a more stable and accessible food space. As the manager of the garden, and primary caretaker, I’m looking to put together a small team of people that would be interested in taking the local food movement in Folwell to the next step. Would you like to join me?
If food is what you are looking for, we have tomatoes, greens and peppers. There are golden raspberries available along with beautiful blooms on the boulevard for picking. The garden is flourishing with vegetables and a small crop of mini pumpkins for decorating for fall. The squirrels have claimed most of the corn for themselves, but if you look, you might just be able to find some. All are welcome to come and harvest in the garden as we want to ensure that healthy food is accessible. Every year we grow a little bit more aware of the food residents want planted, and we will continue to include everyone’s suggestions as much as possible. Until then, come and enjoy the harvest, but remember to only take what you need, and leave behind a gift for the next neighbor.
The Story Garden will be hosting a harvest dinner and closing up for the season event with the Cleveland neighborhood sometime in mid-October. Check out our Facebook page to find the details that are currently being finalized. If you want to be included in never missing an event at the garden, contact Dani at danielle.tietjen@gmail.com to be added to the email list.