The last day of the City yard waste collection is the week of November 13. Your garbage day the week of November 13 is the last collection date for leaves, brush and other yard trimmings.
Minnesota State law prohibits disposing of yard waste with garbage. Yard waste must be in compostable bags (paper or compostable plastic) or unbagged in your own reusable container. If you are using your own container, it can be 33 gallons in size, but make sure it has sturdy handles and is at least 26 inches high.
Other restrictions: Leaves – less than 40 pounds. Brush less than 40 pounds, less than 3-ft. long, branch size less than 3” in diameter, and must be bundled with string (no tape).
Don’t rake leaves into the street. Remember, it’s against the law to push leaves or grass clippings into City streets. Leaves and other debris can clog storm drains and pollute our lakes and rivers. If you have questions about leaf and brush pickup call 612-673-2917 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., or visit minneapolismn.gov/solid-waste/yardwaste/index.htm.
Avoid a tow! Street sweeping started on October 17. Street sweeping usually takes about four weeks to complete.
Each spring and fall, Public Works crews sweep every mile of the City’s more than 1,100 miles of streets – curb to curb – to help keep our neighborhoods clean and livable and to protect our waterways. Each spring crews also sweep 400 miles of alleys.
City crews will post “No Parking” signs at least 24 hours before sweeping any streets. Parking will be banned from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the day a street is swept. Vehicles not removed will be towed to the Minneapolis impound lot. Go to minneapolismn.gov to find out when the sweeping crews are coming through your neighborhood.
Note: If you are a Senior (or have a disability) living in the Folwell or Webber-Camden Neighborhoods you may be eligible for the Senior Leaf Rake; contact 612-521-2100. If you live in another Camden neighborhood check out your neighborhood organization on page 8.